Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Flu...Ugh

We haven't posted lately because life has been busy and Jake got the flu! And, I tried as hard as I could but those boys could not stop swaping their sippys...or rather, one or both couldn't not steal his brother's sippy. So, just as Jake started to feel better, well, now it's Jonah's turn!!!! Oh, it's been fun. And, THANK YOU GOD, that I have not been ill yet. But it all started right as Neal was leaving for a trip. Perfect timing as usual. I've been trying hard to get them busy and out of the house because the weather has been faaabulous lately. With this lousy flu though, we have just had to put everything on hold. And I know the boys are going stir crazy with cabin am I.
Not much else is going on as far as news. They are busy busy still trying to chatter away. Jonah said, "I love you" the other day which was just so darn cute I almost cried. They're both just so clever and busy. And the flu has had them very mommy clingy. That has been hard on me because I want so badly to be able to hold and comfort them both but they just get their poor feelings hurt when I'm spending some time with one and not the other.
Here are the only photos I've been able to catch lately. Due to this crud we haven't really had some good photo ops. We'll try harder!
The boys got a new table to play and eat on. The high chairs are OUT!
Tables are awesome.
This is our fake smile.
Breakfast with our gal pal Reece pre flu.


Anna said...

The boys are looking so grown! Where did you get that little table? I love it!
I'm sorry you guys have been sick. We just went through 2 weeks of the flu at our house, all 4 kids and me. It was so hard.
Let's get together soon!

Shannon said...

We will definately get together once we're over the crud! I was running a fever today. Ugh. I got the table at the PAMOM Garage Sale a few weeks ago.