Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We have a giveaway for our followers!

Hey guys and gals! You know how much we love and cherish our friends and family, right!! And, in honor of oh, I dunno, the birthday, St. Patty's Day, Easter...we're celebrating!!!!

For all of our blog follower friends, www.allmodernbaby.com is sponsoring this fun project. Please, check them out. They have TONS of great eco-friendly, baby-friendly, mommy-friendly stuff! I gotta tell you, I had a hard time choosing which item I would love to give away. They REALLY do have some cool stuff that you don't see everyday at very reasonable prices.

Check out their other options for kids bedding! They have lots of really cute stuff in kids bedding for your older kiddos too! And I HAVE to figure out a way to get a pair of these ADORABLE fire truck bed! And if you're into choosing more eco friendly and non-toxic choices for your family, they have a big Go Green section too! And while you're at it, take a glance at these Argington Babylon Toddler High Chairs, they are adjustable and WICKED cute! Man, I wish I could get my hands on 2 of these babies ;) ;). Ok, before I ramble on and on and their cute stuff, here's the prize for one lucky follower...because I believe in reducing our babies' exposure to toxins more than I can relay, and because I'm a twin mom, I choose THESE!!!

The bloom Alma Organic Fitted Crib Sheet (Set of 2)

These sheets are:
  • 100% organic cotton
  • Unbleached and un-dyed natural cotton color
  • Safe sleeping surface for baby
  • 300 thread count
  • 2 fitted sheets per pack
  • Available in Coconut White and Natural Wheat
And besides being organic, the best part is that there are TWO!!! They come in a set...a twin mom's dream ;). And, the winner gets to choose the color. So, as long as you're a follower of my blog, you're in the running! We'll choose the winner on Friday, April 2nd...because April fools day is just too strange of a day to tell someone they won something. ;) Good luck! And thank you www.allmodernbaby.com for loving Cutest Twins Ever!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just because I love you

I've been reading/hearing about 2 young sweet girls lately that have been diagnosed with illnesses that they cannot possibly recover from unless by some miracle of God. It breaks my heart over and over when I hear new updates or see new photos of these precious little girls. Ugh, I've actually been very upset tonight about one of them in particular who didn't even wake up today despite being moved around, diaper changes and her mother reading to her. How incredibly saddening that must be to live that every day. To see your sweet baby girl and hold her knowing that your time with her is about to be a sweet blissful memory is something that I cannot being to fathom, but nonetheless, as a mother, it makes me ache for them as I try to imagine how they find the strength.

To have healthy children is merely a gift from God, not a promise. It is a blessing that I hope that I never take for granted. As a mother, as soon as we know that we are carrying new life, ours are never the same. Our hearts grow in immeasurable ways that is simply indescribable. The love outpouring is beyond comprehension. The desire to take all the hurt and pain away from our little ones is instantaeous and unwaivering. I have not the slightest inclination into what the parents of sick children must endure but lately I have begun to think of them more. And for them, I become a more grateful mother. I have been praying for more patience and wisdom so that I can be a better mother. My children are healthy and that is not just their but MY gift as well. I must use that gift well, and I must make the most of it!

So, thank you, parents, for sharing your stories and my prayers are with you daily. And thank you to God for the health of my children and Neal and me. May I use the blessing of health to honor and glorify you! Thank you for showing me that every person's story has meaning and that even the smallest, the youngest and the meakest can show me the greatest of lessons in life!

And just because I love you, I thought I would share some cute photos.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

So I know it's been a while...but we've been some busy boys! Last weekend we turned TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it's hard to believe that my "babies" are now full fledged toddlers, but that is a fact. They are even developing into "typical" toddlers if you ask me. ;) The tantrums have started, the throwing themselves on the ground is in full-swing ;) and the back-talking...well, don't get me started! One of Jonah's favorite words is "no". Ugh! And, as H-A-R-D as I tried to not use the word "my" or "mine", they managed to pick it up. So, there's a lot of "my doggie", "my car", "my milk" going on presently. Oh, and as one of friends joked about the other day, the "toddler repeat button" has no off switch! Ha, these boys say the same thing over and over and over. Nearly every morning Jake inventories the car situation, "Mommy's truck...OUT-side", "Daddy's car...OUT-side", "big truck go...bye bye!" And the fun goes on and on. Jonah isn't as much of a repeater but he's more of a mocker. You say something, and it's likely to be repeated by Jonah...beware!

But despite the toddler fun-ism's, the boys are wonderful and healthy and chatting it up!! Their 2 year appointment found a 27lb Jakie and a 25lb Jonah in good health and A+'s all across the board. Praise God!

So, last Saturday was their actual bday. We woke up to waffles (a fav), followed by a few presents. Then, Gigi arrived, followed by a few more presents. And, we were off to their fav gym (which is now officially closed so that was their last Open Gym at The Frisco Gymnasium, bummer). The gym, or gym-a according to the boys, was a ball. Jake threw a fit there and Jonah, in true form, wanted nothing to do with the bounce house nor the trampoline. Jake on the other hand, could jump for days. Then, we ran over to one of our fav cafe's for some late brunch and cupcakes!! Nap time followed, which then led to an afternoon of more presents and family time! Good bday guys! We had fun right along with you. Happy Birthday!

Then, Sunday, we went to church. And then the boys went down for their naps after lunch. Then...party time! The theme: Rock Star Party! I found the cutest decorations online which actually gave me the idea. The boys were all dressed up, as were some of the other guests. Daddy got us a BOUNCE HOUSE!!!! It was awesome...except that everyone loved it except for the bday boys. Jake thought it was cool for about 30 seconds at a time. Jonah is still wanting nothing to do with bouncing. We had 6 (that's right six) sets of twins at the party. Rogert sang some acoustic kiddy songs like ABC's, Wheels on the bus, and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Aunt Lo was his back up singer. Other than bouncing, singing and dancing...there was yummy (and healthy) food! I think they had a good time. It was short but sweet. We decided to open presents after the guests were gone. So, the family watched as the boys opened one present...the first present...a Fire Truck from Aunt Lo. And yes, they received a multitude of other gifts...of which they had zero interest. The Fire Truck was the best present ever, apparently.

Well, I'm glad you had fun! And I'm glad that your friends came and had fun with you. I'm glad that you're 2 and you're getting so big!! I'm glad that you're healthy and talking to us more and more. I'm glad that your days consist of playing, having fun, eating, sleeping, maybe a little "firetruck tv" and more playing. I'm glad that you know what hugs and kisses are. I'm glad that you're starting to count and sing ABC's. I'm glad that you say "bless you" when someone sneezes and "thank you" even when you're not reminded. I'm glad that so many people love you. And I'm glad that God gave you to me. Happy Birthday my precious angels. I love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!